Saturday, February 16, 2019

Android Zimage Editor

Step 6: place your zimage containing the arc reactor kernel (or whatever kernel you're using) into the folder. you may need to rename it to boot.img-zimage step 7: go back one level to the android kitchen image folder, and click on the repackimg.bat file. this will rebuild your boot.img while incorporating the new zimage.. Typical android system implementing fastboot (this includes firefoxos devices) uses so called boot.img images to run the kernel. it consist of the kernel itself and a ramdisk that it used to populate root (/) filesystem. because it’s often useful to edit this filesystem (especially to modify /default.prop file), let’s look how we can manipulate this image.. Unpacking, editing, and re-packing the images. note: below i give you the details for unpacking and repacking manually, but i created two perl scripts that do most of this for you (). if you are good with a hex editor, you can open up any of these images and strip off the first 2k of data..

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android zimage editor

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